For unmatched durability, and first-rate style.
HVG has produced Lotus Caravans external flat cladding for many years. Good looks aside, it’s a product that guarantees durability and performance, making it perfect for the tough Australian conditions Lotus Caravans’ owners are passionate about traversing. Made in Germany, HVG products, in particular DiBond, offer UV protection, advanced corrosion resistance, and thermal expansion, and are incredibly lightweight. The marine grade aluminium used for external flat cladding on our caravans weighs in at only 3.80kg/m2.
At Lotus Caravans, performance, safety and durability sit at the core of every caravan that leaves our facility. Partnering with world-leading material manufacturers, like HVG, means we can deliver an uncompromising level of quality. Wherever the path takes you, Lotus Caravans has you covered.